Igniting the Power and Potential of Women and Girls
The pandemic disproportionately impacted women globally, pushing millions into extreme poverty and widening the gender poverty gap. Women took on more childcare responsibilities, often at the expense of their careers. Now that we are out of the most difficult phase of the pandemic, empowering women and girls can have significant benefits for a growing economy. …
Gender, Health, and Entrepreneurship in the Global South
How can we unlock the power of entrepreneurship to widen access to health care, close gender disparity, and increase prosperity in the Global South region? At Aspen Ideas 2023, we heard from Lola Adedokun, Executive Director of the Aspen Global Innovators Group and Co-Chair of Aspen Forum on Women and Girls and Richenda Van Leeuwen, …
Why Women Now: Takeaways from a #MeToo Conversation
In the post #MeToo era, the potential to shift women’s political, economic, and philanthropic power is profound. How will this activism be harnessed to fundamentally change our nation’s course? Can a broader consensus in support of women’s issues be mobilized? Fundamental concepts of diversity and inclusion are being crafted in whole new ways by corporate …
Women and Girls Leading Now

We don’t want tragedy to be the center of our work, because that’s really not who Black folks are. That’s what they experience, but that’s not an identity.
Lulete Mola
President and Co-Founder, Philanthropic Collective to Combat Anti-Blackness and Realize Racial Justice

COVID-19 gives us all a unique opportunity to transform the systems that we have been so accustomed to, and it provides us with an unmistakable look at the power and resilience of women.
Tsion Yohannes Waka
Chair, Center for Gender Equity, University of Global Health Equity