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New Year, New Era of Leadership

At the Aspen Institute Forum on Women and Girls, we believe that women and girls’ leadership must be at the center of addressing the most pressing issues of our time. As we reflect on the economic and social impact of the past year on women and families, where women made up 100% of jobs lost in December, we recognize that belief …

Women in Justice and Leadership

“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) As we all reckon with the passing of the Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the impact she has had on the lives of women all over the United States, the Aspen Forum on Women …

Unsung Sheroes: 100 Years Later and More to Do

The Aspen Forum on Women and Girls joins partners and friends across the country and globe as we take stock of the power and important role of women in all aspects of our societies. In August 2020, we recognize the 100 Year Anniversary of the Ratification of the 19th Amendment, which guaranteed American women the right …

There is no Gender Justice without Racial Justice

Like you, we at the Aspen Institute Forum on Women and Girls mourn the loss of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, and the far too many lives murdered at the hands of white supremacy and law enforcement. We see and feel the pain and trauma that is regularly inflicted on Black lives across the …

Supporting Women and Girls During COVID-19

On the heels of Women’s History Month, the growing Coronavirus pandemic reminds us that as our world faces new challenges and opportunities, women’s courageous and informed leadership is more important today than ever before. Our vision is to see all women embrace their powerful roles as leaders, create opportunity, and generate a ripple effect that inspires, emboldens, and activates women and girls …